March 14, 2021
Apura, Troy Paul M.
Dealing with unexpected situations
Being an entrepreneur there will be a lot of possible unforeseen things that could happen. Adopting the situation is one of the hardest things to do that is why how to adapt to unexpected challenges is one of the problems that we are considering we might encounter.
Arcenal, Vince Lander M.
Effective Approach
Making a distinctive marketing strategy that any company has never thought of leads to an Effective approach of selling an astounding product which makes a customer attract and to purchase.
Manlapas, Jessie P.
Satisfactory Service
Customers are expecting a good quality service when it comes to choosing where to buy or order products. It is a must for the contributors or the management of such venture to showcase a well-delivered service.
Penamante, Jovet B.
Time management is probably the biggest problem, especially for the student entrepreneurs. Keeping your school activities and maintaining the time needed for your product is hard to deal with.
Customer-Seller Relationship
Customers Relationship, customers who are unhappy with your service, product and system such that they are likely to cancel or generate negative information and bad mouthing in your product.
Tope, Al Fernando C.
Monitoring Performance
Using a meaningful set of rounded performance indicators that provide the business with insights about how well it is performing key. Most business people we know are not experts in how to develop their performance in monitoring their own business, how to avoid the key pitfalls, and how to best communicate metrics so that they inform decision-making.
Knowing when to embrace
Early adopter or late to the game? We need to determine when to embrace change and when to stay the course. Not everything new is better, yet eschewing every change runs the risk of becoming obsolete. A professional outside opinion can make all the difference in these decisions. We are living in an era of constant change for the foreseeable future: change is the new normal. Preparing for and embracing that change by investing in the right kind of advice is the best way to meet these challenges head-on.
Maintaining Reputation
In a similar vein, because customers can voice any displeasure so much more publicly and loudly than ever before, businesses have to monitor and maintain their online reputations. And while it’s an important task, it’s one best suited to a third party who can monitor and mediate with a certain amount of distance.
Vargas, Keith T.
Outshining the Competition
The ideas should be unique and level up than the competitors not just imitating and following the trends. It's a matter of creativity, strategy, and innovation to stay in the business world.
Why is your group uniquely qualified to work on this problem?
Starting a business can be an exciting opportunity, and many people who do go into it with hopes held high for success and most likely thinking that it'll be smooth sailing and they'll have no trouble making it. Unfortunately, running a business is no cakewalk. It is full of obstacles and difficulties. To truly make it and succeed, these obstacles have to be overcome, which in itself can at times be no easy task. But to help our group, we discussed and asked ourselves, "Why is our group uniquely qualified to work on these problems?" As with any challenge, our group can say that we can overcome the possible problems we may encounter in running our business because we know that our group is resilient. We can recover quickly and withstand challenging conditions because our group is aware of situations, emotional reactions, and behavior. We can also make our weaknesses as strengths as a group because we need to know our weaknesses and overcome them before overcoming our company's problems. And to do this, we apply the effective method of brainstorming in a group to our group called Decomposition; that is our group's ability first to summarize and list the essential topics that need to be addressed before we discuss the overall possible solution in our company. As Descartes proclaims: "Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it." Big problems can usually be made more accessible by breaking them down into more minor issues. Suppose Decomposition can continue this process sufficiently far. In that case, we will often be left with many more minor issues, which are a good deal easier to solve than the original big one.
We also learned from listing down the group's critical matters is the continuous innovation and modernization of our world. Because of constant innovation, we immediately think more about satisfying our customers' wants and expected services. In our generation, we can say that we are technologically driven primarily in the computer where we can be the strength and edge to overcome the possible problems that we may encounter. It's not a joke to study online in this pandemic. However, we still look at it as positive because we continually hone our technical skills and learn more based on being a student; our group is very open to suggestions and criticisms. And we can take that professionally. Most likely don't know the biggest problems facing one organization are yet, much less how to be part of the solution. It might even seem like the organization is doing great to the untrained eye and isn't really in problem-solving mode. The company's website, marketing, and people all convey confidence in the business. But don't be fooled: every company, no matter how successful, is constantly dealing with some significant new challenge or other. Even runaway success brings with its further complications. Our task is to separate the marketing language from reality to focus our efforts on addressing challenges that will benefit the business most.